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Top 9 Sex Date Websites In Holland in 2025

Posted on: février 1, 2025

date de sexe à amsterdam

Top Sex Date Sites For Men & Women To Find Casual Sex

Discover the top 9 sex date sites in Holland and embark on an exhilarating journey of pleasure. In the digital age, it’s crucial to navigate online sex dating with confidence and without strings attached.



amsterdam sex

Whether you’re experienced or new, our guide provides essential knowledge and insights. Connect with like-minded individuals who crave thrilling experiences. Get ready for electrifying encounters and explore the best sex date sites the Netherlands has to offer! Let’s dive in!



Discover this free overview with 9 reliable, transparent and accessible sex dating websites. We review MySecretDate, Parship, Lexa, Second Love and many others. Find out how to get a sex date.



date in amsterdam tips

Top 9 Sex Dating Sites In The Netherlands

Si vous êtes à la recherche d'une rencontre sexuelle à Amsterdam, jetez un coup d'œil aux meilleurs sites de rencontres sexuelles des Pays-Bas ci-dessous.

1 | MySecretDate

amsterdam sex
Some of the members of this exciting sex date site.

We believe this is definitely one the best dating websites if you’re looking for a sex date in Amsterdam. MySecretDate is fully focussed on erotic and sexual hookups in the Netherlands.

"Ce site m'a facilement aidé à passer une soirée incroyablement excitante !"

a webpage of sex date website MySecretDate showing

Whether you’re single or in a relationship Mysecretdate makes wishes come true.

Whether you’re experienced or new, our guide provides essential knowledge and insights. Connect with like-minded individuals who crave thrilling experiences.

Get ready for electrifying encounters and explore the best sex date sites the Netherlands has to offer! Let’s dive in!



Amsterdam Dating
Ils cherchent aussi un rendez-vous !

The website is Dutch but it’s very accessible for everybody. Even if you don’t speak the language, you can easily navigate through the website.

It is good to know that the Dutch can always speak English if desired. At this dating website it does not matter where you come from, as long as you enter your profile information correctly and completely.


"Je recommanderais cette plateforme. Beaucoup de gens recherchent la même chose ! ? ?

Create a profile for gratuite, publiez vos photos et trouvez des contacts sympas en fonction de votre profil.



2 | Second Love

second love
Inscrivez-vous gratuitement et contactez quelqu'un dès aujourd'hui !

Second Love is not just any dating site. This Dutch dating platform specifically focuses on people where the routine has crept into their relationship.

People looking for excitement and adventure in Amsterdam. However, they do not want to give up their current relationship for this. Second Love is an online service that helps you find like-minded people.



Comment ça marche?

Second Love is a website that facilitates sex-only dating, allowing members to date without the pressures of forming romantic relationships.

Whether you’re a resident Holland or tourists visiting Amsterdam, or simply visiting in search of new experiences, Second Love is the online platform of choice for sex-minded adults.

From casual encounters to one night stands, this website easily links users with like-minded individuals who live nearby.

With profiles and chat options that utilize modern techniques, this digital space is completely safe from prying eyes and can be enjoyed worry-free by consenting adults.

As an added bonus, Second Love also provides specialized tutorials to help members effectively manage potential conflicts related to sex-driven dating. If you’re looking for no strings attached sex dates in Amsterdam or Holland, then this might be the choice for you.

I really liked Second Love’s user interface. I experienced it as a professional company.

An innocent flirt or an actual date are all possible. Privacy and quality are paramount. For a discreet date in Amsterdam, go to Second Love!



3 | Parship

a woman kissing a man during sunset

You want to have a better sex life, but don’t know where to start. It’s hard to know where to start when it comes to improving your sex life.

You might feel embarrassed or ashamed, like you’re the only person who doesn’t have everything figured out.

Parship est là pour vous aider. Nous sommes le plus grand site de rencontres en ligne d'Europe et avons aidé des millions de célibataires à trouver l'amour et le bonheur. Grâce à notre système de correspondance scientifiquement prouvé, vous serez jumelé avec des partenaires compatibles en un rien de temps.



Qu'est-ce que Parship ?

Parship est une plateforme de rencontres qui utilise un algorithme de correspondance unique pour connecter des célibataires compatibles. La plateforme propose un test de personnalité complet qui aide à identifier les partenaires compatibles. Le test est basé sur une approche scientifique et prend en compte des facteurs tels que la personnalité, les valeurs et le mode de vie.

Combien coûte Parship ?

A blond woman and a guy with a hat on kissing each other on the middle of a street in a busy city surrounded by cars

Le coût d'utilisation de Parship depends on the length of the membership.

There are three different membership options: a one-month membership, a six-month membership, and a twelve-month membership.

Prices vary depending on the option chosen, but the longer the membership, the lower the monthly cost.

Prestations paroissiales

  • Accès à un grand bassin de célibataires compatibles
  • Personalised matchmaking experience
  • La capacité de communiquer avec des partenaires potentiels dans un environnement sécurisé et sécurisé.

Gamme de fonctionnalités, telles que la possibilité d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages, d'afficher des profils et de recevoir des notifications lorsque quelqu'un s'intéresse à votre profil.

Un autre avantage de Parship est le niveau de confidentialité et de sécurité qu'il offre à ses utilisateurs. Parship utilise une variété de mesures de sécurité pour protéger les données personnelles de ses membres, y compris le cryptage et la certification SSL. La plateforme dispose également d'une équipe dédiée à la modération des profils et à la vérification de l'authenticité de tous les membres.

Parship Review

En tant que personne qui s'est aventurée dans le monde des rencontres en ligne, en essayant diverses plateformes, je dois dire que Parship a fait une différence significative dans ma quête d'amour. Ayant plus de 30 ans, j'étais à la recherche d'une plate-forme mature qui s'adressait à un groupe démographique plus sérieux et sophistiqué, et ce site Web a définitivement été à la hauteur.

Overall, Parship is a great option for singles looking for an exciting date. The platform’s unique matching algorithm, comprehensive personality test, and range of features make it a convenient and effective way to connect with compatible partners. The cost of membership may vary, but the benefits and security features make it worth it.



4 | C-Date

online date in amsterdam

C-Date is the matching site for people who are looking for an adventure, an open relationship or an exciting erotic date in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and in 11 other countries.

It’s the largest international erotic matchmaker and is active in 12 countries and on 4 continents.

This dating platform combines style with eroticism and offers exciting variety. They offer a 72% de taux de réussite!

dating amsterdam english

C-Date se concentre sur groupes cibles de 25 ans et plus, hommes et femmes, hétérosexuels ou homosexuels.

This dating company appeals to a very broad group. It does not matter whether you are single, in a relationship or married, it is even possible to register as a couple. And, l'inscription est totalement gratuite!



5 | Rich Meet Beautiful

dating expats Amsterdam

RichMeetBeautiful is only interesting for an exclusive group of men.

This online dating website is for successful and economically established men who want to meet beautiful ladies for exciting dates or perhaps even more.

The site brings together Sugarbabies – intelligent and charming women who date in exchange for gifts (like dinners), trips or financial support.

RichMeetBeautiful offre aux utilisateurs de plus de 30 pays différents la possibilité de rencontrer des messieurs prospères et économiquement établis pour rencontrer de belles jeunes femmes pour des relations ou pour des rendez-vous dans le monde entier.



6 | Ondeugend-Daten

datingsites in nederland

Ondeugend-Daten.nl (traduit: Rencontres coquines) is a professional Dutch dating site that focuses on both men and women in the Netherlands who love excitement and eroticism.

The term “Naughty” offers participants the opportunity to give their own interpretation of the degree of eroticism. As a result, Ondeugend-Daten.nl attracts a very wide audience.

On this platform you can search for new contacts in a trusted environment in a simple and safe way.

Après s'inscrire pour gratuite, you can quietly look for a nice and suitable candidate who matches your search profile.

By emailing or chatting with other participants first, you can convert the contact at your own pace.

By sending the messages via this website you remain anonymous as long as you want: so you keep the reins yourself and decide when you are ready for a possible appointment in “real life”.



7 | Ashley Madison

dating site in amsterdam

"La vie est courte. Avoir une affaire.” With this slogan, dating site Ashley Madison has been promoting cheating for many years.

This international site de rencontre aux pays bas is for all singles who want an affair. With various features to keep your private information secret, anonymity is an important factor.

Il est actif dans 52 pays, ce qui est génial en voyage.

“Fucking hell… I had amazing sex through this website”

The members of Ashley Madison are single, married, or in a relationship. Anyone looking for something different is welcome!

You can download the gratuite Ashley Madison App ou visitez simplement le site Web et inscrivez-vous dès aujourd'hui.



8 | Victoria Milan

victoria milan

Victoria Milan est une plateforme de rencontres internationale spécialisée dans les rencontres d'affaires. C'est le numéro un mondial des sites de rencontres pour mariés et attachés. Victoria Milan garanties confidentialité maximale, discrétion et même des profils anonymes peuvent être créés.

Essayez-le. Vous pourriez aimer!



9 | Passie Voor Twee

rendez-vous en ligne aux Pays-Bas

Passievoortwee.nl (traduit : Passion pour deux) est un autre excellent site de rencontre érotique accessible aux Pays-Bas ! C'est-à-dire … pour ceux qui recherchent un contact passionnant, mais aussi pour ceux qui veulent se compter parmi le groupe cible sur la base de l'expérience de vie. Cette approche de groupe cible a été délibérément choisie, car le clic familier se produit principalement entre des personnes partageant les mêmes idées.

Et… Ce site de rencontres aux Pays-Bas se concentre principalement sur les femmes et les couples. Passion For Two aimerait avoir un peu plus de classe dans le monde des rencontres érotiques, mais veut aussi se distinguer par la fiabilité, l'intégrité et la transparence.



Sex Date Tip

Pro tip: In the Netherlands it is very common to talk about the weather. So if you don’t know what to talk about, it’s always good to talk about the weather. After all, the weather changes every day in the Netherlands.


6 Ways To Get A Sex Date

  1. Utilisez des sociétés de rencontres telles que MySecretDate, Parship, Lexa ou alors Ashley Madison. (Plus de sites ci-dessous)
  2. Join speed-dating events (when available).
  3. Rencontrez quelqu'un via des sites de rencontres sexuelles aux Pays-Bas.
  4. Obtenez une date en réservant un escorte à Amsterdam.
  5. Rendez-vous dans le quartier rouge avec ses travailleuses du sexe.
  6. Visitez un club de sexe à Amsterdam.

Sex date app

Popular Sex Dating Questions

1 | How do I set boundaries when engaging in online sex dating?

Setting boundaries is an important part of engaging in online sex dating. Be clear about what you are and are not comfortable with, and communicate these boundaries clearly to potential partners.

2 | How can I communicate my sexual preferences and desires to potential partners?

Communication is key when it comes to sexual preferences and desires. Be open and honest with potential partners about what you’re looking for, and be willing to listen to their preferences and desires as well.

3 | How do I handle rejection or disappointment when engaging in sex dating?

Rejection and disappointment are common in the world of sex dating. Try not to take it personally, and remember that everyone has their own preferences and desires. Find some distraction if necessary. Go exercise. Meet up with friends. Visit a museum. Read a book.

4 | What should I do if I start to develop feelings for someone I met through sex dating?

If you start to develop feelings for someone you met through sex dating, be honest with yourself and with them about how you’re feeling. If you’re both on the same page, you may be able to explore a more serious relationship. However, if you’re not, it’s important to be prepared for the possibility of things not working out.

These were the nine best erotic dating platforms in the Netherlands. Do you want to be successful on a date? Then lire les conseils de rencontres ci-dessous.

amsterdam canal cruise
pointe Une croisière sur les canaux est amusante à faire lors d'un rendez-vous à Amsterdam.

5 | How do I find a sex date?

Finding a sex date is a personal choice and may depend on individual. However, here are some general suggestions for finding a sex date:

  • Dating Apps and Websites: There are countless apps and sex dating sites specifically aimed at finding casual encounters and sexual relationships. Popular platforms in the Netherlands include MySecretDate, Parship, SecondLove, C-Date, Naughty-Daten, Ashley Madison, Vicotoria Milan, Passie Voor Twee, etc. You can explore these apps and websites and customize your profile to suit your interests and preferences to give.
  • Social Networks and Forums: There are online communities (such as facebook groups) and forums where people with shared interests come together. By participating in these platforms, you may be able to find like-minded individuals who are also looking for a casual meeting.
  • Local Events and Clubs: Some cities have special events, parties, or clubs focused on sexual encounters. You can try attending these events to meet people interested in casual sexual relationships.
  • Communication is important: It is essential to communicate openly and honestly about your intentions and expectations with potential partners. This prevents misunderstandings and ensures that both parties are on the same page.
  • Be respectful and consensual: It is very important to always be respectful of your potential partners and respect their boundaries. Ensure that both parties agree to the desired activities and that there is mutual consent.

6 | How does a sex date go?

A sex date can take different forms depending on the individuals involved and their preferences. The course of a sex date can vary, but in general there are a few steps that are common:

Getting acquainted: If you don’t know each other yet, there is usually a phase of getting to know each other. This can take place through online communication, dating apps or face-to-face meetings. The goal is to get to know each other better, share interests and determine if there is mutual attraction.
Making a deal: Once there is interest and attraction between both parties, a deal is usually made. This could be meeting in a public place, such as a cafe, restaurant, or bar, or it could take place directly in a private setting, such as a home or hotel room.
Intimacy and sexual activities: After the meeting, the phase of intimacy and sexual activities begins, which depends on the wishes and boundaries of both parties. This can range from light physical touching and kissing to sexual acts and intercourse. It is important to communicate and obtain mutual consent for any action.
Aftercare and farewell: After the sexual activities there may be room for some aftercare and debriefing. This can include exchanging experiences, compliments or feedback. Then both parties say goodbye and go their separate ways.

7 | What is a good sex date site?

MySecretDate is a Dutch sex dating site that is popular for several reasons:

Reliability: MySecretDate is known for its reliability and security measures. They do their best to ensure that all profiles are authentic and that users have a safe environment to connect with like-minded individuals.
Privacy: The site values ​​privacy and anonymity. They have privacy features, such as the ability to blur photos and restrict access to certain users. This allows users to protect their identities until they are ready to share more information.
User-friendliness: MySecretDate is user-friendly and has an intuitive interface. The registration process is simple and finding suitable matches is easy thanks to the search and filter functions.
Diverse user base: The site has a diverse user base, which means there are different people with different interests and preferences. This increases the chance of finding someone who fits you and meets your expectations.
Communication options: MySecretDate offers various communication options, such as messages, chat rooms and webcam chats. This allows users to connect and get to know each other in a variety of ways.

Dating Tips

Are you not looking for a sex date, but for a ‘normal’, fun date with the potential for a relationship? Then discover Breeze Social. This new dating app might be something for you.

1 | Soyez prêt

Date tips
Amusant à faire à Amsterdam : visitez le Musée Moco and see Banky’s art.

Comment se préparer pour un premier rendez-vous ? D'abord, assurez-vous d'être reposé. Si vous avez été pressé toute la journée, vous n'aurez pas de rendez-vous détendue à Amsterdam. Alors allez-y doucement et offrez-vous un bon bain ou une douche extra longue. Allez chez le coiffeur, coupez vos ongles, lavez-vous bien et passez une bonne séance de rasage. Cela peut sembler évident, mais le toilettage a plus d'influence que vous ne le pensez. Soyez frais! If you look good you will feel better too. You radiate that and your date will see that too!

2 | Être à l'heure

The Waag: Le deuxième bâtiment le plus ancien d'Amsterdam.

Assurez-vous d'avoir suffisamment de temps pour vos rituels (de beauté), afin d'être sûr que vous arrivé a temps pour votre rendez-vous. Car arriver en retard ne se fait vraiment pas (aux Pays-Bas) sur un premier rendez-vous. Les Hollandais aiment être à l'heure ! Et évidemment, vous voulez faire une bonne première impression. Ai-je raison?

3 | Portez de beaux vêtements

La place Nieuwmarkt à Amsterdam.

Avant d'aller à un rendez-vous, réfléchissez bien aux vêtements que vous porterez. Choose comfortable (and neat) clothes that make you feel attractive. But: don’t lose sight of the fact that the chosen clothing must suit you. Clothing tells a lot about your identity, and your date will remember that. In addition, an outfit that suits you will make you feel more confident. And that’s how you want to come across on your first date!

11 Conseils de rencontres éprouvés

date tips
Un rendez-vous à Amsterdam.

Nous avons créé 11 conseils de rendez-vous fantastiques sur la façon de se préparer pour un premier rendez-vous. Voulez-vous vous améliorer dans vos rencontres ? Appuyez sur le bouton ci-dessous !



Connaissez-vous des sites Web encore meilleurs aux Pays-Bas où vous pouvez organiser un rendez-vous (sexuel) à Amsterdam ? Veuillez le partager avec le monde en le publiant dans la section commentaires ci-dessous.


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5 Responses to Top 9 Sex Date Websites In Holland in 2025

  1. Steven Moretz dit :

    What an excellent, informative article, up front and matter of fact. A refreshing departure from the American Way” of handling matters of discretion. Please accept my gratitude.
    Steven Moretz
    Las Vegas NV, USA

  2. […] the right application is essential to find a date with the same romantic interest. For instance, sex date apps are ideal if you are looking for a no-strings-attached and mutual pleasure kind of relationship. As […]

  3. […] if already committed. Countries like Holland allow people to hook up legally, so you can plan a sex date in Holland during your trip. Think of it as a no-strings-attached fling to indulge and have a good time. Book […]

  4. Jim Arris dit :

    When I tested these websites last weekend I found the first one mentioned – MySecretDate – the best one. To me, it felt very accessible, affordable and hassle-free.

    I found Parship more a platform for serious relattionshops rather than just hooking up for a sex date. Maybe that’s just me.

  5. […] Netherlands. It doesn’t have a huge following worldwide, but this is a great option to try to get a date if you’re living in The […]

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