Posted on: mars 1, 2025
You’re in Amsterdam and you want to know the going rates for prostitutes. Prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to find out how much they cost.
FIND ESCORTS >With our Amsterdam prostitution menu, you can discover all prices of prostitutes in Amsterdam. We list the prices for both brothels and street prostitution so you can make an informed decision about where to go.
The Dollebegijnensteeg in Amsterdam Red Light District.
What’s for sale, where to get it, what are the prices and how about the Dutch prostitution laws? This Amsterdam Prostitution Menu has everything you need. Learn more about the famous window brothels in Amsterdam, private brothels and Amsterdam escorts. Discover it below!
Ce menu Amsterdam Prostitution montre ce qui est généralement offert dans le quartier rouge et au-delà. Les prostituées ne fonctionnent pas selon un seul ensemble de règles et n'ont pas un menu spécifique.
“I’m glad I found this prostitution menu online because I had no glue how things worked in Amsterdam. It surprised me that sex work is so well organized in the Netherlands. I also thought it would be really much more expensive.”
Yes, in prostitution is legal in Amsterdam. It’s legal everywhere in The Netherlands. And a regulated profession too. So sex work is also legal in the capital Amsterdam.
Brothels, travailleuses du sexe, homeworkers, webcam sex, window prostitution is legal in the Netherlands! As long as the règles, lois and obligations are adhered to.
The minimum age to work as a sex worker in Amsterdam Red Light District is 21 years. Window travailleuses du sexe also have to show their ID when they rent the window brothel from the brothel owner. There are more laws for window prostitution listed here.
Eine Stripbar-Werbung in einer Gasse im Rotlichtviertel.
Wie sieht das Amsterdamer Prostitutionsmenü aus? Unten finden Sie eine sehr nützliche Übersicht divisé en 4 parties :
Amsterdam Window Bordel Prix
✦ Amsterdam Brothels Des prix
✦ Sites de rencontres sexuelles
✦ Escortes à Amsterdam
The Trompettersteeg in De Wallen.
Chaque partie dédiée à leur propre expérience unique et les prix qui l'accompagnent. Veuillez noter que ce menu Amsterdam Prostitution montre ce qui est généralement proposé. Il est sage de discuter de tout avec la travailleuse du sexe au préalable et de conclure des accords clairs über die Leistungen und Zusatzpreise.
You can always ask respectfully, if she (or he) is up for the service you’re looking for.
For curious travelers looking to learn more about Amsterdam Red Light District, there is a great way to prepare! Our Red Light District tour app is available as a virtual guide and audio tour combined. With 22 experts sharing stories and insights, this audio download offers an educational and interesting view of the culture and history of the Red Light District that wouldn’t normally be found in a regular tour. Whether you are planning a physical visit in the future or just looking for an informative experience, this Red Light District app promises a unique perspective behind this infamous part of Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Red Light District, Sint Annenstraat.
The Amsterdam Prostitution Menu starts with explanation on window prostitution. It’s the most accessible form of la prostitution.
Amsterdam has 3 Red Light District area’s and around 360 window brothels in total.
The biggest and most famous Red Light District of the Netherlands is locally known as De Wallen. Most tourists talk about this area as Amsterdam’s Red Light District.
This area has currently 201 window brothels and approximately 350 prostitutes who work during the day or night shifts.
The Moulin Rouge on the Oudezijds Achterburgwal.
Most prostitutes are from Eastern Europe, but there’s also a big group of travailleuses du sexe who are from Latin-America. Just a few are actually Dutch. Foreign prostitutes work here because in the Netherlands they can work safely.
Window brothels in Amsterdam can be rented by the prostitutes during the day or the night. So usually there are different sex workers between 10 am & 6 pm than from 7 pm till 5 am.
Learn everything about Amsterdam’s most famous area during this visite du quartier rouge App in which 22 experts explain everything you need to know.
Amsterdam, Red Light District, Stoofsteeg.
The window brothels are set up for a relatively short visit. Generally customers pay between 100 to 150 euro for around 15 to 20 minutes of sex. But if you want, you can also stay longer (30 to 60 minutes). Obviously this cost more.
The sex workers in the window brothels differ in the services that they offer and everything can be negotiated. As long as it is done respectfully. The starting rate for every window prostitute negotiation is usually around 100 euro.
The transgender sex workers in the Blue Light District also charge at least 100 euros for their services.
It’s good to know that the window brothels in Amsterdam are quite small. Window brothels are just small rooms with a plastic or leather bed, a washing table, a chair and toilet in the back. It’s nothing fancy like a “normal” brothel.
This is also why prices are lower at the window brothels compared to brothels (like Club LV or Club BonTon) that are mentioned below. All window brothels in Amsterdam are clean though.
The big majority (around 95%) of all Amsterdam window prostitutes are female et straight. A smaller part of the window workers are transgender.
The prostitutes who work in the window brothels of Amsterdam accept only cash money. No credit- or debit card payments. One reason that sex workers cannot be paid digitally is because (listed) banks do not want to be associated with sex work and therefore do not facilitate digital payments. The Red Light District has many ATM’S.
Amsterdam, Red Light District, Old Church Square.
The sex workers in Amsterdam’s Red Light District only do safe sex, with a condom. They only accept their own condoms which they often buy at the Condomerie – world’s first condom shop – located on the Warmoesstraat. in the Red Light District.
A condom shop in Amsterdam Red Light District.
In the Netherlands it is not mandatory for sex workers to be tested on sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s). Prostitutes are regularly tested on a voluntary basis. They can be tested for free and anonymously by professionals.
For example at the Geneeskundige en Gezondheidsdienst Amsterdam (GGD) or at P&G292. In general, the health of the sex workers is good.
Prostitutes in the Netherlands know the risks of their profession and take it into account through safe sex and regular STD tests.
A stripper inside Club BonTon.
Club BonTon is one of the newest erotic venues in Amsterdam. It’s a stripclub and a brothel. The great thing about this chique club is that you can enjoy the atmosphere of a beautiful strip-club and when you see a lady that you really like, you can take her upstairs and have some more fun together in a private room. Not all the girls inside offer these erotic services though.
✦ Rates: Entrance: 50,- | Lapdance: 20,- | Private room: 350,-
✦ What’s on BonTon’ Amsterdam prostitution menu? In the club: Lapdance | Upstairs: Striptease | Sex | Oral sex | Erotic massage | French (69) | | Trio with male | Trio with female | S&M role-play, Dominant or submissive | Foot fetish | Sex Toys
Club LV has been Amsterdam’s most exclusive brothel for over 14 years now. Enjoy a delicious cocktails, champagnes or nice wines in the bar area and let yourself be seduced by one of the 12 ladies that are always present.
Pick the one you like most and take her upstairs to one of the 8 luxury private rooms equipped with large bathtubs and master beds.
Rates: Entrance: 75,- | Private room: 350,-
Services: French Kissing | Striptease | Sex | Oral sex | Erotic massage | French (69) | Golden shower | Threesome | S&M role-play, Dominant or submissive | Foot fetish | Toys
There are also websites in the Netherlands where it is possible to organise sex dates. Also legal! One is mentioned below. It just requires free registration.
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Also part of the Amsterdam Prostitution Menu are escorts. An escort, is the provision of company by a sex worker with, if desired, sexual acts with the customer. Escorts offer a more expensive form of prostitution that gives the client more privacy. The meeting takes place, for example, at the customer’s home, in the hotel where the customer is staying, or in a hotel proposed by the escort (hotel prostitution).
✦ More discrete/ more privacy
✦ Customised service
✦ More time
✦ Can be combined with dinner, walking, shopping, etc.
✦ More comfortable
✦ More choice
Most escort services in Amsterdam work with a flat hourly rate. This flat rate includes the standard services like regular and oral sex (with protection).
The other services that are advertised fall outside of the flat rate and cost extra. These extra services are not guaranteed beforehand and can only be negotiated when the lady has arrived at your place.
The lady decides what extras she’s up for and will set the prices then and there.
Flat hourly rate: 150,-
Amsterdam Prostitution Menu: French Kissing | Striptease | Sex | Oral sex | Erotic massage | French (69) | Golden shower | Trio with male | Trio with female | S&M role-play, Dominant or submissive | Foot fetish | Sex-Toys | Overnight stay | Drinks | Diner | Clubbing has almost 40 professional sex workers most of whom live in the Dutch capital. This escort agency in Amsterdam wants to offer as much diversity and realism as possible, so that it becomes easy for men to find the right lady.
This company distinguishes itself through a simple & safe ordering process, 24/7 accessibility, very serious discreetness and the best escort service in Amsterdam.
All their escorts are licensed professionals who know how to provide your sexual & nonsexual desires.
The women are displayed on with pictures, additional information and services on the site of this agency. EscortAmsterdam can be contacted by phone, via the live-chat or through the booking form on their website.
✦ Flat hourly rate: 150,-
✦ Services: Sex | Erotic massages | Tantra | Oral sex | Threesomes | Stripteases | S&M | Golden showers | French 69
Staying in a hotel in Amsterdam? Hotel Escort Amsterdam it the company for you. It has been serving clients at many hotels for quite a long time.
An added bonus is that the ladies always show up in normal clothing. They know how to discreetly get to your hotel room. A massage, regular- and oral sex are all included in the flat rate.
✦ Flat hourly rate: 150,-
✦ Services: French Kissing | Striptease | Sex | Oral sex | Erotic massage | French (69) | Golden shower | Trio with male | Trio with female | SM role-play, Dominant or submissive | Foot fetish | Toys | Overnight stay | Drinks | Diner | Club
Desire Escort Schiphol et Escorts à Schiphol are both good options for those who are staying in a hotel close to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (Holland’s main airport).
The services of these specific companies are useful for layovers or a short visit to Amsterdam. With these companies you can expect gorgeous, experienced and friendly escorts. They maintain a minimum age of 21.
✦ Flat hourly rate: 150
✦ Services: French Kissing | Striptease | Sex | Oral sex | Erotic massage | French (69) | Golden shower | Trio with male | Trio with female | SM role-play, Dominant or submissive | Foot fetish | Toys | Overnight stay | Drinks | Diner | Club
Perfect Escorts Amsterdam has just perfect ladies. This company operates 7 days a week. Like all other escort companies in Amsterdam their workers get regular medical checkups and they all practise safe sex with a condom. Your health and the health of the ladies is a top priority. pointe a lot of the ladies at this company are specialised in erotic massages.
✦ Flat hourly rate: 150
✦ Services: French Kissing | Striptease | Sex | Oral sex | Erotic massage | French (69) | Golden shower | Trio with male | Trio with female | SM role-play, Dominant or submissive | Foot fetish | Toys | Overnight stay | Drinks | Diner | Club
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[…] 24. Amsterdam Prostitution Menu: Prices 2022 | Paid Sex in … […]