Posted on: January 18, 2021
The video at the bottom of this article shows the current situation in Amsterdam. The Dutch capital is in lockdown due to the ongoing corona crisis.
This also means that almost everything in the Red Light District is closed. Normally, this is one of the most visited area in the Netherlands with 3.1 million visitors per year. But now, in the beginning of 2021 during the corona lockdown, it’s deserted. Red light windows, cafes, hotels, restaurants, shops, churches, museums, sex shows and other venues are all temporarily closed.
Magnet fishing in an empty Red Light District. Catch of the day: an ashtray and a dildo.
The video at the bottom of this piece was shot in January 2021 in the center of Amsterdam; the middle of the Red Light District. The video starts on the Oudezijds Achterburgwal – the famous canal in the Red Light District. Immediately it is visible how few people are out on the street. There are also no prostitutes in the windows, as they are currently not allowed to work by the Dutch government.
Emptiness in Amsterdam’s Red Light District.
At 1:01, the video below, continues via Oudekennissteeg to the Oude Kerk and Oudezijds Voorburgwal. There are no tourists to be seen here either. Some companies in Amsterdam are still open. Just for takeaway though. For example FEBO – the largest snack bar in the Netherlands. And coffee bars hope to sell something to the locals.
Chinatown in Amsterdam – located on the Zeedijk – also has a hard time with the tourists staying away. The restaurants may only offer their products via take-out.
Amsterdam’s coffeeshops only open for takeaway.
The coffeeshops in Amsterdam are also not allowed to receive customers inside. Customers can only quickly buy cannabis via takeaway. It’s not permitted for clients to sit inside. Unlike restaurants, Dutch coffeeshops customers cannot order cannabis online because this has never been legal in the Netherlands.
Amsterdam has currently 164 coffeeshops from which 14 coffeeshops are located in the Red Light District. These, and other coffeeshops in the center, are having a hard time now that tourists are not visiting Amsterdam.
At 5:14, in the video below, you can see closed window brothels which are normally used by transgender and female sex workers. But with the current measures of the corona lockdown that is not allowed. It is likely that some window prostitutes will offer their services online, illegally.
The heart of Amsterdam is empty.
In the video below it can also be seen that all sex shows in Amsterdam are currently closed. Erotic establishments like Casa Rosso, The Hospital Bar, Moulin Rouge, The Banana Bar and La Vie en Proost are all temporarily closed.
Amsterdam’s oldest canal with a handful of people outside.
Empty streets and empty alleys in Amsterdam. And that while Amsterdam normally receives more than 18 million tourists a year, of which 3.1 million tourists visit the Red Light District. Pre-corona, in 2019, 1 in 9 jobs in Amsterdam were in tourism. (source 1) + (source 2)
The video below ends by showing the Warmoesstraat – a main street in the Red Light District – and Dam Square. Normally these are busy places, but during the current corona lockdown now only an empty Amsterdam can be seen.
Follow the latest news and measures regarding corona on the website of the Dutch government:
Amsterdam In Corona Crisis 2020
13x Amsterdam Red Light District Laws