Posted on: november 1, 2024
1 | Distinguish sex work from human trafficking and keep it that way!
Sex work = work. Human trafficking = violence.
2 | Treat sex workers as adult citizens and see them as partners in the fight against human trafficking and other abuses.
3 | Combating violence and improving rights are two goals. That has always been the core of the Dutch prostitution policy against sexual violence. This also applies here.
4 | Check that every policy and measure does not have undesirable negative effects on the safety, health and autonomy of sex workers. Do that together with sex workers.
5 | Break the maximum policy and the barriers between the different forms of sex work. Stimulate and facilitate the personal activity of sex workers, new initiatives and new organisational forms.
6 | Treat self-employed sex workers the same as self-employed persons in other employment sectors.
7 | Use permits for what they are intended for: companies, not for self-employed people.
8 | Make sure that sex workers can choose whether they want to work at / for a company, or as an independent freelancer, whether or not in collaboration with other freelancers.
9 | Restore sex workers’ trust in the government and the police.
10 | Provide accessible and independent conflict resolution and legal assistance in industrial disputes. Without a labor dispute leading to the loss of workplaces or permits.
11 | Make sure that (brothel) operators and sex workers can report human trafficking and exploitation without fear of negative repercussions. Require operators to do what in their power to prevent human trafficking, but do not penalize them if it does occur.
12 | Make sure that sex workers can always and everywhere safely go to the police if they are confronted with violence or exploitation, either by themselves or by fellow sex workers. Without fear of losing their workplace, home or income, or of being forced out.
These 12 rules for a good, working prostitution policy have been developed / supported by the following organisations:
✦ PROUD – Dutch Union For Sex Workers
✦ SOAIDS Nederland
✦ Aidsfonds
✦ Pitch
This overview has been translated from its original source with 12 rules for a good prostitution policy in Dutch.
13 Amsterdam Red Light District Laws
Prostitution in the Netherlands